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Meber #9950 Meber #13032 Meber #4734 Meber #13179 Meber #18439 Meber #11819 Meber #16899 Meber #6717
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Name: Debbie
Age: 65
City: San Jose, CA (95129)
Member Number: 10421
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I am a Female who is seeking Men for A Long Term Relationship, Dating Leading to Marriage, within 25 miles of San Jose (95129).
About the person I would like to meet:
I am looking for an intelligent man that realizes a good sense of humor and intelligence is far more important than Barbie Doll looks & an empty brain. Eventually, you must have a conversation. Long deep conversations keep your heart warm at night and also keep you stimulated long after the libido fails. I do not anticipate my libido to fail anytime soon, nor do I anticipate my intelligence or humor to fade. I am searching for my soulmate, the man that completes me, my sentences, my life... and I will also complete his life, his hopes and dreams in every way. This is what I search for as I grow older and wiser. Money may pay the bills, but fancy cars and mansions do not keep you warm at night. You can have all these things in life and still be lonely. I am not materialistic. I want only to be comfortable in life in the arms of a man I love and adore.
What I Do For Fun
Favorite Activity #1
Day Trips
I like meeting new people. I am adventurous and love exploring. I love to take drives in the country in my convertible and am hoping to find a life partner to share interests, activities, hopes and dreams. You must love animals to be part of my life. My precious dog passed on 10/9/17 & I was devastated & heartbroken. I finally got a new dog 6 months later. My 2 female cats are always there for me. My beautiful male cat also passed. The cats suffered after my dog died, but they are doing better with a new dog in the house.
Favorite Activity #2
Comedy Clubs
Laughing is the best medicine. I want a man with an amazing sense of humor. I can always laugh at myself, with others and make others laugh. Laughter keeps us young.
Favorite Activity #3
I am a very artistic person. So I like trying new things. I tried a glass fusion class, it was amazing. Next I want to try a welding class. Whenever I see things on the home channel, I try the home improvement ideas on my house as well. It is exciting and liberating to be able to create something wonderful and use your mind to interpret the idea into a reality. I have sponge painted my bathroom, used concrete stain to stain ugly bricks on the front of my home and then color matched the front porch by painting it and stenciling designs onto it when complete. I have changed a plain white door in my home into a work of art with wood borders, stenciling and art store paints. I have also made jewelry, appliqued clothing, sewn for a bikini company for over 7 years, designed my wedding dress back when I was 23 along with countless costumes, and will create anything I cannot find to purchase in a store. They say that necessity is the mother of invention. I did a glass blowing class. That class was full of hot air (lol) I made a beautiful paperweight for my mom and orange juice glass for my dad. (hard to part with either of them let alone both)...
What else do you like to do for fun?
Everything, I used to scuba and snorkle, want to zip line, went rock wall climbing, willing to try anything I am capable of that will not cause death. For now, following knee surgeries, all adventurous things must temporarily take a back burner.
About Debbie  
Would like to meet people for:
Long Term Relationship
Open to Marriage
I was in Health Care, Work was never the same day to day. We expected the unexpected. Be prepared
My Income:
My Ethnicity:
Zodiac Sign:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
My Height:
5 - 2"
Body Type:
Some College 
Do I drink?
Yes, lightly at social gatherings 
Do I smoke?
Do you have children?
Do you have children at home?
Are you open to having more children of your own?
Would you date someone with children?
Do you enjoy cooking?
I love to cook 
Would you mind if dishes were left in the sink overnight?
What type of music do you listen to?
No Rap or heavy metal. Love country & oldies. 
What modes of transportation do you have?
Do you work out?
If at a gym, what gym?


What is your favorite pet?
Dogs and Cats, love all animals 
What pets do you own?
Dog, Cat 
Where were you born?
Where were you raised?
All over the U. S... I was an Army Brat 
Places you have traveled?
Tropical Islands of the Caribbean to Scuba Dive with the dolphins, stingrays and sharks~~~
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Debbie is Looking For
I'm Looking For:
25 miles of San Jose (95129)
Interested In:
Long Term Relationship
Open to Marriage
Pacific Islander
Native American
Thin, Average, Proportionate, Physically Fit, 5 10 pounds overweight
Open, Spiritual, Non Denominational, Catholic, Belief in God, Baptist, Spiritual
High School, Some College, AA Degree, Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree, Doctorate, Ph.D.
If you have children:
No Preference
If you have children at home:
If you want children:
If you would date someone
with children:
No , Yes, lightly at social gatherings, Lightly

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8422 Sheldon Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624